Cowboy Action Shooting is a multi-faceted shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West: single action revolvers, pistol caliber lever action rifles and old time shotguns. The shooting competition is staged in a unique, characterized. “Old West” style. It is a timed sport in which shooters compete for prestige on a course of different shooting stages.
The Smokey Point Desperados have their monthly match on the second Sunday of the month, snow, rain or shine. This match is usually 5 stages and requires at least 50 pistol, 50 rifle and 25 shotgun rounds. It is located in the upper “Action Bays” of the Marysville Rifle Club. Sign-up starts at 9am, shooting starts at 10am. We are usually done by 3pm.
January Scores are posted Here